Sunday 26 May 2013

Jet Engine

Prasetia P Y

Jet Engine

jet engine is really important for a jet aicraft. why jet engine is really important for jet aircraft ? for example we can analogy this case with human. for human heart is really important. because with heart, the blood  will flow throughout the body and also will pump the blood. and because of that heart is an important part for human. for the jet aircraft, jet engine is also like a heart for human. it can flow the energy to make the aircraft can fly in the sky.
so how does this jet engine work ?  if we turn on this engine, it will suck the wind aroud the fan and the compressor will increase the level of the wind pressure. the wind will flow through the jet engine. after the wind compressed,  then sprayed with fuel and and an electric spark light. combustion gas will spread and the explosion will out through the back of the jet engine. when the gases in the jet engine fired back, the engine and the aircraft will move foward.

for the better explanation you can see this video

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