Monday 27 May 2013


Sensor, is a very useful device. It has a function to detect then an energy then convert it to a signal that can be read by observer, or by an electronics instrument.  What is energy that can be convert by sensor? Almost all of energy can be converted by sensor, but the very common is light, temperature, proximity, magnetic and half-effect sensor. So, in summary we can said that sensor is a device give an equivalent to our senses, like eyes, nose, ears, and tongue.

Why we must use sensor? The answer is simple, because sensors can make easier and simply for our activity. Like in the factory, because of sensors, many machine can done automatically, and of course because of that, the factory can be more efficient, and they can decrease the expense.
Now, how sensor works?

Ok, lets we disscuss it together, for that common sensor that used in our daily life and speecially in  industry.

1. Ambient Light Sensor
Ambien Light Sensor is a light sensor that used to detect light or brightness with similars way with eyes.
Light Sensor (Ambient Light Sensor) work by using light reflection ways. If the environment is dark, so theri is no way a light reflection happen. And the Ambient Light Sensor will work, like we need, by using that way.

In this picture show us, that the Ambient Light Sensor will work by using measure Reflected Light.
In the dark condition, the reflected light will not happen, and in the clear condition, the reflected light will be happen.

Detail information you can watch on youtube:

2. Proximity Sensor
Proximity sensor is a sensors or switches that used to detect the presence of object without physical contact. Proximity sensor work by Identifying the size of the object.

How do the sensor can identify the size? Just take a look from this 2 picture below:

From that 2 picture, we can see, that the sensor will identify the size of the object by measure the distance that the object can be read by the device. Smaller object will need a closer distance than the bigger one. So that, how proximity sensor work.

3.  Hall Effect Sensor
Hall Effect sensor is a sensor that designed to sense the presence of a magnetic object ussually a permanen magnet. Elemen Hall is a tiny semiconductor material. If the current passed and there is nothing a magnetic field, so the output voltage will be 0. But if there is any a magnet that passed the semiconductor material, the current circuit will be disturbed, this distortion make a voltage between the tool side. Then, that voltage will give a signal to us, by a light, or etc. 

For the illustration you can see on: 

And for more information you can see on:

             Petruzella, Frank D.1996. Elektronik Industri.ANDI: Yogyakarta.

By: Muhammad Haqqy Erdata Nasution/IT Telkom/TI-35-INT/112110013

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